Our programs offer proven methods for ANYONE WHO CAN BENEFIT FROM MORE HAPPY [natural serotonin and dopamine] and less stress [cortisol].



We specialize in creating and implementing programs that utilize safe, effective and FDA-approved neuro-stimulating devices to treat everyday stress that can compound into depression, anxiety and insomnia. In easy-to-use 20 minute sessions per day, waveforms are created to gently stimulate the brain to produce serotonin and other neuro-chemicals responsible for healthy mood and sleep.  We pair these treatments with the holistic science behind Acupuncture and Meditation to create a balanced mind-body approach that works. 

Our Partners Include: individuals, psychologists, physical therapists, cognitive therapists, rehabilitation and sober living facilities, university healthcare centers, medical practices of any kind, community and wellness centers, senior living, event-based, etc. 











Learn how to utilize neuro-stimulating technology, acupuncture and/or meditation for yourself or as a holistic treatment for your organization.


Receive training and practitioner referral for integration of client, student and patient treatments. 


Collaborate on a flexible program structured around your life as an individual or your needs as a business.


Purchase medical and non-medical appointed CES units for treatment "in office" or by end users for at home self treatment.



If you are interested in learning more, please fill
out the form below and we will be in touch shortly